1.7.0 Release

Release 1.7.0 Highlights

Wholesale Customer Pricing

A customer may be designated as a wholesale customer. If the customer is designated as wholesale, then a markup percentage can be entered into the customer profile. When the customer purchases inventory items, the sale price for those items is based on cost plus markup. Otherwise, if the customer is not wholesale, the sale price is based on retail. Categories of items (Item Types) can be setup to disallow or disable wholesale pricing so that you can exclude some items from receiving wholesale pricing. For example, you can allow wholesale pricing for parts and accessories, but not allow wholesale pricing for service items.

Invoice & Remittance Module

The Invoice Module is a new system in RepairQ where you can create and send an invoice for batches of tickets, and you can can apply payment(s) to the invoice to close and account for all the tickets in turn.

 The Invoice & Remittance Module will be available to only a select few customers initially with this release, but soon it will be available to everyone on the RepairQ Enterprise plan.

Manage Customer Billing Agent

A customer billing agent is a person who pays for an invoice on behalf of one or more individual customers. The billing agent record is separate from the customer record to allow the flexibility for a single billing agent to be linked to multiple customer records for whom the agent assumes payment responsibility.
A customer billing agent is given the following attributes:

  • company name
  • contact first name
  • contact last name
  • phone
  • email
  • fax
  • address line 1
  • address line 2
  • city
  • state
  • zip
  • country
  • credit limit (authorized amount of purchases on credit)
  • net terms (number of days until payment is due)
  • invoice method (bulk or individual)

Create & Send Invoices

An invoice is a collection of tickets that have been submitted for collection from a customer or customer billing agent in a single batch. The invoice is created by selecting a customer or billing agent who has one or more tickets waiting for payment, choosing which ticket(s) to invoice, and generating the invoice.

An invoice can contain one or more tickets that are waiting for payment for any customer (for whom the billing agent assumes payment responsibility), any date range, and/or any location. When payment is received and applied to individual tickets, the revenue is credited to the location associated with the ticket as opposed to the location where the payment is received.

An invoice can be emailed to the customer or customer billing agent who is responsible for payment. A timestamp is recorded when the invoice is emailed. An invoice can be re-sent and the timestamp will be updated to show the timestamp of the most recent email transmission.

An invoice has the following attributes:

  • Payor Company Name
  • Payor Contact Name
  • Payor Email
  • Payor Phone
  • Payor Address 1
  • Payor Address 2
  • Payor City
  • Payor State
  • Payor Zip
  • Payor Country
  • Net Terms in Days
  • Invoice Line Items (i.e. Tickets)
    • Ticket #
    • Ticket Date Created
    • Ticket Location
    • Ticket Device(s) (name, description, s/n)
    • Ticket Subtotal
    • Ticket Discount
    • Ticket Tax
    • Ticket Total
  • Invoice Subtotal
  • Invoice Discount
  • Invoice Tax
  • Invoice Total
  • Invoice Balance Due
  • Invoice Email Sent Timestamp

Receive Invoice Payments

Customers or Customer Billing Agents will likely send a payment for an invoice that needs to be applied to multiple tickets. The payment can be applied to the invoice manually or automatically. Multiple subsequent payments can be applied to a single invoice if needed. For each payment the system will track the payment date, payment method, and a user entered note.

Manual Apply Payment
If a partial payment is received it is possible to allocate the payment amount manually by entering the amount paid for each ticket on the invoice.

Auto Apply Payment
If payment in full is received it is possible to allocate the payment amount automatically by entering the amount paid and clicking “Auto Apply Payment”. The system will start with the first ticket and pay it in full and then continue paying each subsequent ticket in full until the payment amount has been exhausted. If the payment amount has been exhausted before all tickets have been paid in full then one or more tickets may remain unpaid or partially paid until another payment is received in the future.

Under Payment
If an invoice is under paid the system will calculate the remaining balance and will keep the invoice open until future payments have been received and the invoice has been paid in full. If an individual ticket is underpaid and no further payments are expected for the ticket, it is possible to mark down the ticket so that the balance due is adjusted to zero. In this scenario the system will apply a discount and will adjust the tax amount appropriately to account for the difference between the expected collection amount and the actual collection amount.

Over Payment
If an invoice is overpaid the system will calculate the overpayment amount and will prompt the user to make a decision whether to credit the remainder to the Customer or Customer Billing Agent account or to issue an automatic refund to the Customer or Customer Billing Agent.

Automatic Ticket Closure
When a ticket is paid in full the ticket status automatically advances to closed (or to some other status designated in the system settings based on the desired work flow). The ticket status can be manually overridden when appropriate.

Automatic Notifications – Inventory Status Changes

The automatic notification system can be configured to notify specific staff members or roles when an inventory item reaches a particular inventory status. This allows the system to send an SMS or Email to someone who needs to special order a part, track defective or damaged items, etc.

Release Notes

  • Feature #4106: Add Claim # to ticket search
  • Feature #4117: Invoicing & Remittance
  • Feature #4199: Customer setting – wholesale and tax exempt
  • Feature #4241: Add tax details to Summary Report
  • Feature #4247: Add Claim # and Bin # on ticket label print settings
  • Feature #4251: Inventory Detail List – display ticket item note, and inventory item notes
  • Feature #4279: Ticket List – add storage bin / shipper
  • Feature #4280: Ticket List – add serial number to device info
  • Bug #4182: Attendance – Manager View Permissions
  • Bug #4223: Reports – Clear Dates Icon Button – Not reseting dates
  • Bug #4242: Credit Card Entry – improve credit card reading
  • Bug #4257: Tooltips getting in the way of buttons on Inventory and Ticket screens
  • Bug #4281: Ticket List – Hide ticket stats from non-manager users